Looking for the best TV golf simulator on the market? With residential golf simulator technology making new strides each year, owning a home golf simulator is more feasible than ever.
Many people are even dedicating a whole room in their house for a full-on golf simulator suite. Check out the best indoor golf simulators here. But for those that want a more budget-friendly option, a tv golf simulator is the way to go! You don’t need an expensive hitting bay and screen to enjoy the fun of golf simulation! Some systems, such as Phi Golf, don’t even require a ball. You simply swing their Phi Golf Swing Stick which is able to do all the work of simulating your shot. Other systems, such as OptiShot, allow you to hit real or foam balls into a net but still view your shot on your TV.
If you are looking for a great golf simulator for your tv. Here are the best ones on the market:
1. The OptiShot Golf Simulator
The OptiShot 2 is the best TV Golf Simulator that lets you hit real balls.
With the OptiShot 2, you will hit into a net and view your shots on a TV. It uses an infrared Optical Golf Simulator Swing Pad to analyze your club as it passes through the hitting area. It then is able to calculate your shot and simulate it on the screen. The best part about OptiShot is that you can use real or foam balls. So if you are a less skilled player, you can still get the more realistic experience of hitting a ball while protecting your home from mis-hits!
Optishot comes with its own golf simulation software that can be used to play 15 different courses. It also features many different playing modes such as Stroke Play, Better Ball, Match Play, Best Ball, Stableford, Skins, and Alternate Shot.
2. The PhiGolf Swing Stick
The Phigolf System is the best Golf Simulator for your TV that doesn’t require a ball.
The PhiGolf system uses its signature Phigolf Swing Stick. The swing stick requires no real golf balls. And rather uses motion sensor technology to simulate your shot from your swing. This makes it great for in-home use with families of all ages.
Phigolf comes with its own course-play software that allows you to play up to 9 different courses, set up tournaments with friends, or even just use the driving range. For anywhere between $2-$10/mo you can also upgrade to either the WGT or E6 Connect software which gives you access to more courses and game modes.
While the accuracy of Phigolf isn’t up to the standard of more expensive systems, and you do lose out on the realism of hitting a real ball, Phigolf is a fantastic budget-friendly golf simulator for your home tv.
3. The FlightScope Mevo+ Practice Package
The FlightScope Mevo+ Practice Package is the best premium TV Golf Simulator Setup.
The FlightScope Mevo+ Golf Simulator is one of the most popular launch monitors and golf simulators on the market. Of the systems listed on this list, this is by far the most accurate and feature-rich. It’s designed for a more serious golfer looking for the best TV golf simulator on the market.
Mevo+ accurately measures 16 different data points of each shot. It can be used indoors or outdoors and boasts many different golf simulation integrations. It comes with a limited version of the E6 Connect software. You can alternatively upgrade to TGC 2019 or the limited version of E6 Connect. Gameplay is highly realistic with either software choice.
To use this simulator on your tv, you will simply hook up the computer running the simulation software (which is typically connected to the Mevo+ unit via bluetooth or wi-fi), to your TV. In this package, you also receive a high-quality golf mat and net with the option to include landing pad turf, and/or a gaming laptop for running the software.
4. The Exputt Putting Simulator
The Exputt EX500D is the best TV Putting Golf Simulator.
The Exputt EX500D is the top putting simulator on the market. Exputt offers an unrivaled putting experience by precisely tracking ball and putter movements in a wide variety of simulated courses, weather, and green speeds.
It’s like indoor putt putt! It’s fun for the whole family but also offers more advanced players helpful data about your putting stroke. It allows you to set up a variety of different putting practice modes and helps develop your speed and accuracy.
If you are looking for a more casual alternative to a full-swing golf simulator, then Exputt is a great option.
How Do You Setup A Golf Simulator On A TV?
Many people have questions when it comes to how TV Golf simulators are set up. What devices do you need, cords, etc. All in all, setting up golf simulation on your tv is very easy.
Here is a simple graphic showing how to set up golf simulation between your devices:
All launch monitors/golf simulators will run on a laptop, tablet, or phone via bluetooth or wi-fi. You connect your device to units such as SkyTrak or Mevo+ in the same way you hook up a bluetooth speaker to your device.
Once the launch monitor is connected to your laptop, tablet, or phone – all you will need to do is connect your device to a TV. This is almost always done via HDMI. If you are using a device that doesn’t have an HDMI port such as a tablet, then you can use a wireless HDMI receiver or just get an HDMI adapter like this.
And that’s it! It’s super simple.